The team at Careflex bring their professional backgrounds in medicine, home care provision, technology and as personal carers to improving the current unmet needs of older people wanting to live well in their own home. We provide an efficient and transparent web based system between person-carer dyads, service providers and health professionals. Better systems mean personalised care and less administration, giving more time to care and do what we’re passionate about.
Care on Time allows customers living in the community to see who will be coming to visit them and when by providing access to their booking schedule as well as real-time updates on when their carer is going to arrive. The app tracks the GPS location of carers using their phones and automatically alerts customers if a carer is going to be late based on their location and traffic events on their route to the customer's home. Care on Time makes use of Google Assistant, keeping accessibility a top priority for their customers.
The EasyAgeing team has been inspired by the challenges faced by the senior citizen of our society and their carers when making significant life changes with regards to physical, mental, financial, social, and legal wellbeing. The online platform helps seniors and carers who want to find out more information about services available to them by centralising widespread information and creating greater access to information. This is unlike MyAgedCare, MyGov, Carers Australia, and HSNet Human Services Network which are all fairly specialised in their application. This service will be a questionnaire that leads the user to an end result that will encompass recommendations and further links to information that is relevant to them based on their answers.
The world’s ageing population will have far-reaching implications for society. Direct challenges for health systems will include changing health profiles, increased demand for health service use, and rising health costs.
The impact is twofold: first, the rapidly growing group of ‘old old’ (85 and over) people who have a range of typical age-related health problems, for example, arthritis, dementia and cancer; and secondly, the younger cohort entering the ‘65 and over’ age bracket with a larger burden of lifestyle-related diseases (for example, type 2 diabetes) than previous generations.
Further, social changes among the next generation of older people—such as greater understanding and awareness of health issues and greater expectations of health services—present additional impact. These impacts may influence future models of health-care delivery and engagement.
Promoting good health across the lifespan
Enabling healthy ageing
Supporting socioeconomic participation
Enhancing productivity in health care delivery
The world’s ageing population will have far-reaching implications for society. Direct challenges for health systems will include changing health profiles, increased demand for health service use, and rising health costs.
The impact is twofold: first, the rapidly growing group of ‘old old’ (85 and over) people who have a range of typical age-related health problems, for example, arthritis, dementia and cancer; and secondly, the younger cohort entering the ‘65 and over’ age bracket with a larger burden of lifestyle-related diseases (for example, type 2 diabetes) than previous generations.
Further, social changes among the next generation of older people—such as greater understanding and awareness of health issues and greater expectations of health services—present additional impact. These impacts may influence future models of health-care delivery and engagement.
Promoting good health across the lifespan
Enabling healthy ageing
Supporting socioeconomic participation
Enhancing productivity in health care delivery
We are making a call out to aged care experts and technical mentors. Aged care domain experts are asked to contribute their professional vision and stimulate team exploration into specific aged care sector use cases. Technical mentors experienced application development are asked to contribute their know-how to coach teams from ideation through to final presentation. If you can help email your resume to